Monday, April 9, 2012

Healing Chronic Injuries One Patch at a Time

Science, medicine and technology continue to evolve at lightning speed, which means many success stories and breakthroughs never appear in the media or appear for only a blink.

One such success story from the medical community is the WHITTE Patch from Wei Laboratories in Cupertino, Calif.  It is a herbal patch that increases blood flow to the injured area to:
·         Break up scar tissue
·         Improve  circulation to the joint
·         Increase lymph drainage away from the joint

Following is a story from a colleague of mine who used the WHITTE Patch to help a 28-year-old athlete with lumbar disc problems.

Patient History
A Division I college football player who was drafted into the NFL. His NFL career was cut short by a lower back injury which required lumbar disc surgery. He has had pain and disability for the past 3 years since the surgery. He has had minor temporary relief with pain medications, injections, physical therapy, and anti-inflammatory medications.

Before the WHITTE Patch treatment
Chronic lower back pain with left lower extremity sciatic pain and muscular weakness. Pain level on a daily basis initially was 6 - 7 on a scale of 1 - 10.  He had limited range of motion and experienced frequent muscular spasms in his lower back.

After the WHITTE Patch treatmentThe patient was treated with a combination of chiropractic adjustments and WHITEE patches.
Within 3 weeks, he experienced complete relief.  He stated that it had been the only real relief since the surgery.

He has returned to running, lifting weights and playing basketball. He has had several minor bouts of lower back pain after lifting weights and playing basketball, but those were relieved with a course of adjustments and herbal WHITTE patches.

We carry the WHITTE Patch
Lower back problems baffle a lot of doctors, but not us. For many years, we have successfully treated men and women with lower back problems through chiropractic adjustments, the WHITTE patch, as well as other medical techniques.

If you are interested in trying the WHITTE patch or would like more information, please contact us at

Take Charge of Seasonal Allergies

As summer plans take shape, the shadow of seasonal challenges can darken even the brightest day. These frustrations can take a toll, both personally and professionally.
One company’s assessment showed that almost 60 percent of workers reported experiencing seasonal challenges or seasonal allergies. Those workers were (on average) 4.1 percent less productive than their coworkers, costing the company a startling sum of just more than $1.8 million per year.
In another study, authors reported that employees who attempted to work through seasonal challenges with nothing other than a “grin-and-bear-it” approach were less productive (by10 percent) than their “non-challenged” coworkers or other coworkers who took steps to deal with seasonal challenges.
What can you expect Dr. Constantinides to do to support your health during this time? She will focus on preseason planning with concrete protocols aimed at prevention for the current season and many seasons to come.
Planning ahead is key. One recent paper suggests the body’s natural immune response can be higher earlier in the season than in the end, even if the amount of environmental challenge is similar.
So if you know what sends your immune system into a spin, make sure you know when your that stimulus is coming. Daily pollen counts are published in newspapers and online. For the tech savvy, there are smartphone apps that track how a person feels or the weather in general. These apps are useful for evaluating how well you can manage and just how challenging the season turned out to be.
Without prior planning, physically cleansing the nasal passages using a saline solution can help to clear out mucus and the irritant it carries.  Netti pots or Nasal Saline kits are available at any local drugstore.
Instead of working to stop the body’s natural response, consider supplements that are meant to work with the body to support a measured immune system reaction.  Because of the whole food solutions that Dr. Constantinides carries in the office, she can gently guide your body before the seasonal challenges ruin your Spring.
adapted from Standard Process Newsletter April 2012